Renaissance Faire News - Sharing the Joy of Faire, one post at a time at!!


The "Have You Met?" series introduces you to some of the people who make Faire a joy!

Weapons at Faire

Whether it’s your first Faire or you’re a long time playtron, one of these days you’ll probably going to find a sweet blade you just can’t resist. Or maybe you’re drawn to bow & arrows or whips or muskets. Whatever your predilection, there are some things you’ll want to consider before you make that first purchase.

  • Taking Possession – Most Faires have rules regarding what you can do with that new shiny. Those rules range from requiring immediate removal of the weapon to your vehicle, sometimes under escort, to allowing you to begin wearing it immediately with a peace-tie.
  • Wearing the weapon – Different Faires have different policy regarding whether weapons are allowed on the grounds. Those policies range from NO weapons allowed to shielded blades with peace-ties but no guns to anything goes as long as long as it’s peace-tied.
  • Peace-tying – At Faires which allow weapons to be carried, there is typically someone assigned to the gate to verify and/or apply a peace-tie to the weapon. Faire staff or police officers attach some form of binding to the weapon to disable it. In the case of swords, this is usually done by attaching the hilt to the scabbard with a zip-tie or piece of cording. Muskets and flintlocks are done slightly different but follow the same general rule. Whips are coiled and tied just at the hilt. Bows are usually required to be unstrung and arrows to have the tips removed.

Each of these rules is in place to protect everyone attending. Especially where adult beverages are available, weapons + alcohol = potential hazards.

Don’t let the peace-tie requirement discourage you. Once you’ve got the safety measures in place, get creative and decorate it. I’ve seen recommendations ranging from leather cord to strips of cloth matching your garb to an actor who uses a live or leather rose. He really likes live roses, the kind with lots of thorns. Just make sure that, when security wants to verify your peace-tie, they can get to it and be satisfied.

Check out your Faire’s weapon policy. You can usually find it on their website; if not, use the contact email address or office phone number to get details. When in doubt, leave the weapon at home. It’s much safer there than locked up in your vehicle for the day, not to mention the aggravation of having carried it all the way to the gate only to have to take it back to the car.

Enjoy your shinys and … we’ll see you at Faire!!

October 18th, 2009 Posted by | Proclamations | no comments

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